Recent Minerals and Waste Planning Appeals


Whitehaven Coal Mine, Cumbria

Public Inquiry 2021


I was appointed by Cumbria County Council to work as a planning case officer for two consecutive planning applications by West Cumbria Mining for the extraction of coking coal from beneath the seabed at Whitehaven. The proposals involved extensive new onshore buildings and infrastructure including a new railhead. The second of the applications was called in by the Secretary of State following the grant of planning permission, and I was commissioned to support with the Inquiry and initially to prepare the Council’s Statement of Case. The County Council eventually decided to take an unusual position of neutrality at the Inquiry, and so following the Statement of Case did not submit further evidence. However, I was asked to provide further support in respect of reviewing expert proofs on both sides and managing the process of agreeing conditions and the s106. I represented Cumbria County Council in the Inquiry conditions session and at the Inspector’s site visit.


Woodsford Quarry, Dorset

Public Inquiry (2019)


I was appointed by Dorset Council to act as a mineral planning expert witness for an appeal by Hills Aggregates against refusal of an application to extend Woodsford Quarry through the construction of a large new silt lagoon complex. The application was recommended for approval by Officers but had been appealed for non-determination following updates and revisions, after members initially refused permission on the grounds of a lack of need and the adverse impacts upon a Grade 1 listed building. Acting as a mineral planning witness my role focussed on providing expert evidence on the issues need and alternative suitable locations for the silt pond and advising the other (heritage) specialist witnesses in our team on technical matters. The adverse impacts on the listed building alleged by council Members were found to be limited by the Inspector, and so the appeal was upheld, but no costs were awarded against the council.